1. How long does it take to get my order?
It depends on the item you order.
If you are ordering a t-shirt, top or hoodie, it will take approximately 10-15 days.
Please check the description on the product page you wish to purchase for more details on shipping and delivery.
2. When will I get my tracking number?
You will receive a shipping confirmation email a few days after your initial order date.
Even though your order may ship one day after your order it sometimes can take another 24 hours for USPS and/or other shippers to give us a live tracking number so that we can update our system and send you the shipping confirmation email with your tracking number.
3. How can I get more specifications on the T-shirt sizes that I order?
Below is a a detailed image chart with sizes of our adult unisex t-shirts by Bella-Canvas.
Below is a sizing chart for the women's tee (Bella-Canvas 6004)...
For our licensed T-shirts (Ex: Marvel, Bruce Lee, Star Wars, etc) you can view the below chart for more specifications...
4. Need more details on t-shirt sizes?
Please visit our size chart page here...
5. How can I check the status and tracking of my order?
You can track your order using your Tracking number here:
If you don't have a tracking number or you are not picking it up on the website link above, please contact us via our contact form here... TeesnTees.com/pages/contact-us and we will follow up and get back to you as soon as possible.
6. What form of payments are accepted?
We accept Paypal, Visa, MasterCard, Amex and Discover
7. Which countries do we ship to?
Currently we are only shipping to the USA and a select few countries worldwide like the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, France, Germany and a few more.
More countries are being added as we expand!
8. What do you charge for shipping and handling?
It all depends on the item you are purchasing and country you are buying from.
To get a ball figure, please add the items to the cart and you'll be presented with an accurate amount for all your items.
We do offer free shipping on some of our products.
9. How do I return my product?
Please check our refund page for more information...